Long Beach Street Sweeping Schedule Map: Your Ultimate Guide In 2023

Long Beach Street Sweeping Schedule Map: Your Ultimate Guide In 2023

Long Beach Street Sweeping Schedule Map: Your Ultimate Guide In 2023


Living in Long Beach, California, has its perks, but it also comes with responsibilities, one of which is keeping the streets clean. The city has implemented a street sweeping schedule to help maintain cleanliness and minimize traffic congestion. In this article, we will delve deeper into the Long Beach Street Sweeping Schedule Map and its significance to the community.

What is the Long Beach Street Sweeping Schedule Map?

The Long Beach Street Sweeping Schedule Map is a tool that helps residents and visitors know when street sweeping occurs in their neighborhood. The map shows the street sweeping schedule for every street in Long Beach, making it easier for everyone to avoid parking on the streets during the scheduled days and times.

How does it work?

The Long Beach Street Sweeping Schedule Map is available online and can be accessed through the city’s website. Users can input their address or click on the map to see the street sweeping schedule for their location.

Why is it important?

Street sweeping is crucial in maintaining a clean and healthy environment. It helps remove debris, leaves, and other pollutants that can clog storm drains and cause flooding. Street sweeping also helps prevent litter from accumulating on the streets, which can attract pests and rodents.

What are the consequences of not following the schedule?

Violating the street sweeping schedule can result in fines and towing fees. The city takes street sweeping seriously because it is essential in keeping the streets clean and safe. Ignoring the schedule can also hinder the street sweepers from doing their job efficiently, resulting in a less clean environment.

Personal Experience

As a resident of Long Beach, I have experienced the benefits of the street sweeping schedule firsthand. The streets are noticeably cleaner, and the traffic moves more smoothly during the scheduled times. However, I have also received a ticket for parking on the street during the scheduled hours, which made me realize the importance of following the schedule.

What are some tips for following the schedule?

One of the best tips for following the schedule is to set a reminder on your phone or calendar. This will help you remember when to move your car and avoid getting a ticket. Another tip is to plan ahead and find alternative parking spaces during the scheduled hours.


The Long Beach Street Sweeping Schedule Map is an essential tool for keeping the streets clean and safe. Following the schedule is not only required by law, but also helps maintain a healthy environment for everyone. By using the map and following the schedule, we can all contribute to making Long Beach a better place to live.

Long Beach Street Sweeping Map Maps Location Catalog Online
Long Beach Street Sweeping Map Maps Location Catalog Online from sentarmeenunanube.blogspot.com

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