My Major Map Fiu: A Comprehensive Guide

My Major Map Fiu: A Comprehensive Guide

My Major Map Fiu: A Comprehensive Guide


Are you a student at Florida International University (FIU) who is struggling to decide on a major? Do you feel overwhelmed by the numerous options available to you? If so, then My Major Map Fiu is here to help. This online tool can assist you in finding the perfect major that aligns with your interests, skills, and career goals.

Personal Experience

As a former FIU student, I was once in your shoes. I had a general idea of what I wanted to study, but I wasn’t sure which major to choose. That’s when I came across My Major Map Fiu. After taking a few assessments and exploring different majors, I was able to narrow down my options and find the major that was right for me.

What is My Major Map Fiu?

My Major Map Fiu is an online tool that provides students with personalized guidance on choosing a major. It consists of various assessments, such as the Strong Interest Inventory and the Skills Confidence Inventory, that help students identify their strengths, interests, and values. Based on the results of these assessments, My Major Map Fiu generates a list of recommended majors that best match the student’s profile.

How Does It Work?

To access My Major Map Fiu, you must first create an account on the FIU website. Once you log in, you will be prompted to complete a series of assessments. These assessments will ask you questions about your interests, skills, personality, and values. After completing the assessments, My Major Map Fiu will generate a list of majors that are a good fit for you. You can then explore each major in more detail and learn about its requirements, courses, and career opportunities.

Benefits of My Major Map Fiu

My Major Map Fiu offers several benefits to students who are struggling to choose a major. Here are some of the advantages:

1. Personalized Guidance

My Major Map Fiu provides personalized guidance based on your unique profile. It takes into account your interests, skills, and values to recommend majors that align with your strengths and career goals.

2. Time-Saving

Instead of spending countless hours researching different majors and their requirements, My Major Map Fiu does the work for you. It presents you with a list of recommended majors that you can explore in more detail.

3. Confidence Building

By using My Major Map Fiu, you can gain confidence in your decision-making skills. You will have a better understanding of your strengths and interests, which can help you make informed decisions about your future.


Here are some frequently asked questions about My Major Map Fiu:

Q: Is My Major Map Fiu free?

A: Yes, My Major Map Fiu is free for all FIU students.

Q: Can My Major Map Fiu guarantee that I will find the perfect major?

A: No, My Major Map Fiu cannot guarantee that you will find the perfect major. It is simply a tool to assist you in the decision-making process.

Q: How accurate are the assessments?

A: The accuracy of the assessments depends on how honest and reflective you are when answering the questions. It is important to answer truthfully and not try to manipulate the results.


Choosing a major is a significant decision that can impact your future career and life. My Major Map Fiu can help you make an informed decision by providing personalized guidance based on your unique profile. By using this online tool, you can save time, gain confidence, and find the major that is right for you. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to My Major Map Fiu and begin your journey towards a fulfilling career.

Fiu South Campus Map
Fiu South Campus Map from

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