What Is A Hash Map?

What Is A Hash Map?

What Is A Hash Map?


If you are a programmer or have an interest in computer science, you may have heard about the term “hash map.” A hash map is a data structure used in computer programming to store and retrieve data quickly. In this article, we will explore what a hash map is, how it works, and its benefits.

Personal Experience with Hash Maps

I remember when I first learned about hash maps during my computer science course in college. At first, I was intimidated by the term and thought it would be a complicated subject to learn. However, as I delved deeper, I realized how helpful and efficient hash maps can be in programming. Since then, I have used hash maps in various projects, and they have always proven to be a useful tool.

What Is A Hash Map?

A hash map is a data structure that allows for the storage and retrieval of data in constant time. It uses a hashing function to map the data to a specific index in an array. The hashing function takes in the data and returns a unique index in the array, where the data is stored. When you want to retrieve the data, the hashing function is used again to find the index of the data in the array.

How Does A Hash Map Work?

When you add data to a hash map, the hashing function is used to calculate the index of the array where the data will be stored. If there is already data stored at that index, the hash map uses a collision resolution technique, such as chaining or open addressing, to handle the collision. Chaining involves creating a linked list of data at each index, while open addressing involves finding the next available index to store the data. When you want to retrieve data from a hash map, you input the key into the hashing function, which returns the index of the array where the data is stored. The hash map then checks if the data at that index matches the key. If it does, the data is returned. If not, the hash map uses the collision resolution technique to find the correct index.

Benefits of Using A Hash Map

One of the main benefits of using a hash map is its constant time complexity for storing and retrieving data. This is because the hashing function allows for quick access to the data stored in the array. Additionally, hash maps can be used to store large amounts of data efficiently, as they do not require any additional memory allocation.

Question & Answer

Q: Can hash maps store duplicate keys?
A: Hash maps cannot store duplicate keys. If a duplicate key is added to the hash map, it will overwrite the existing value. Q: What is the worst-case time complexity of hash maps?
A: The worst-case time complexity of hash maps is O(n), where n is the number of elements in the hash map. This occurs when there are many collisions, and the collision resolution technique is not efficient.


In summary, a hash map is a useful data structure that allows for efficient storage and retrieval of data. It uses a hashing function to calculate the index of an array where the data is stored and can handle collisions using various techniques. By understanding what a hash map is and how it works, you can use it to make your programming projects more efficient.

Hash map
Hash map from www.slideshare.net

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